Saturday, November 24, 2007

Well, it's Thanksgiving weekend here at MIT, which means the campus is unusually quiet. A fair number of people go home or to friends' houses for the holiday, leaving halls crowded with West Coast and out-of-country folks. A few seniors are here, too - I'd guess they don't want to leave campus any more than necessary. I expect I'm going to be difficult to pry away from campus during senior year.

Did I mention that this place is wonderful? No? Well, then. It is.

So right now I'm trying to get a book project of mine organized. I have time, for once, and am dinkering around with it. As usual, the devil is in the details; I've planned out B's world for a long time, and now that I'm dealing with O instead, I have to build an entirely different set of customs. It's fun but annoying. I'm chary of lists - if I have to list a dozen or more of the customs, odds are that I'll forget them or else use them compulsively. Neither is a good tactic.

Hmm ... and, now, on to MIT.

How should I begin? With the amazing professors? The tough tests? The wonderful culture? Correction: the various wonderful cultures? The age range, from 15 and 16 year old genius freshmen to your 23 year old senior-folks (not even counting grad students, who can be far older)?

The clubs? The classes? The absolutely amazing people?

... Yeah. It occurs to me that I'd be far better off just summarizing anything odd that I see thoughout the day.